Instruction Sheets

What is a Print?

Interactive and informative introduction to the various Printmaking techniques - includes illustrative demonstrations and concise explanations of process. Presented by

Glossary of Printmaking Terms

An array of important terms every printmaker should know.
Definitions by UMaine Museum of Art.

Index of Printmaking Techniques

Simple and concise descriptions of commonly used Printmaking techniques.

How to make CMYK Separations

This sheet will guide you in creating digital CMYK separations for screenprinting through Photoshop Creative Cloud.

Re: A Guide To Reproduction

A primer guide to Xerography, Silkscreen, and Offset printing.
By Ron Rege Jr., Dave Choe, Brian Ralph, and Jordan Crane

How To Be A Great Screen Printer

E-book on the theory and practice of Screen Printing and how to successfully tackle the many challenges a printer encounters during the printing process.
By Professor Steven Abbott

A Handbook of Intaglio Techniques

A comprehensive introduction to the many methods of Intaglio and the materials used in each process. This article also serves as a step by step guide for etching and printing from start to finish.
By David Dickinson and published by the Rochester Institute of Technology

Stone Lithography

A solid introduction to stone Lithography printing which includes step by step directions for prepping the stone, processing and etching the stone, and finally printing the stone on the press.

Accordion Book Instructions

This handy step-by-step guide illustrates a fun and efficient way to make your own accordion style books.

American Type Founders Letterpress Diagrams

Beautifully designed instructions and diagrams for various aspects of the letterpress process.