Frequently Asked Questions

How much out of class time do I get to use the Printshop?

We usually have around 30 to 50 hours of open studio time each semester. Once you feel that you can work independently in the facility you may work in a room that has designated open studio time as much as you want while enrolled in a class or paying a lab fee for the semester. We provide designated schedules for each room for your reference to plan your visit accordingly. 

As a currently enrolled student may I just pay the lab fee to access the Printshop?

We ask that you have taken at least two classes at the Printshop before paying the lab fee to work independently. 

Can I still use the Printshop after I have graduated?

If you have previously taken classes at the Printshop and are sufficiently  independent using equipment you may pay our semester lab fee for up to two years after graduation. Once you exhaust your two years you must take a continuing education class to have access to the facilities.