Etching is an Intaglio printing technique done on a metal plate, typically copper, zinc or steel. A wax substance, such as hard ground, is applied evenly on the surface of the plate using a hotplate and brayer. The artist uses a scribe (a sharp needle) to draw on the surface which removes the wax. When the artwork is ready, it is dipped into a diluted acid solution (ferric chloride for copper and nitric acid for zinc). Any exposed metal image areas are eaten away by the solution.
After a set amount of time, the plate is taken out of the solution and is rinsed off. The hard ground is removed with a solvent, such as paint thinner. To ink the plate a thin layer of oil-based ink is applied across the surface forcing ink down into the etched image areas. The plate is then buffed down with a ball of tarlatan and is finished off with a light wiping with newsprint to remove any remaining ink residue.
To print the inked plate an etching press must be set to the right height and pressure. The plate is placed in the center of the press bed and a damp piece of paper is laid on top of the plate followed by a sheet of newsprint and two wool blankets. The press arm is spun and the drum rolls across the bed. The drum’s pressure pushes the paper into the plate causing the ink to lift off when removed. This inking and printing process is repeated multiple times to create an edition.
There are also several techniques within Etching that can be used to achieve different mark making textures and tones, such as, drypoint, soft ground, aquatint, mezzotint, soap ground, spit bite, sugarlift, and photo etching.
Etching Equipment
2 Hemco Vented Acid Booths with Acid/Corrosive Safety Storage (60” x 24”)
1 Charles Brand Etching Press (52” x 32” bed size)
1 Charles Brand Etching Press (50” x 30” bed size)
1 Charles Brand Etching Press (48” x 26” bed size)
1 Charles Brand Etching Press (46” x 24” bed size)
1 Charles Brand Etching Press (30” x 16” bed size)
1 Charles Brand Hot Plate (24” x 18” plate size)
1 Rembrandt Hot Plate (24” x 18” plate size)
1 Rosin Box
1 Pexto Foot Operated Squaring Metal Shear (36” max. width)
Gamblin Etching Inks
Etching / Drypoint Needles and Scribes
Mezzotint Rockers
Scrapers and Burnishers
Exhaust Hood
Eyewash Station and Emergency Shower